Floor lamp made from a vintage surveyors tripod.
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Shop Light Mods

Just a cheap LED shop light picked up from harbor freight. I didn't like having to plug it up to charge, so made a contact based charging station for it.
The base is MDF with a large nut inset (the light has a magnetic base) and 2 screws as the contact points. The light base has 2 screws counter-sunk in it as well and wired to the charging port.
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Frank Lloyd Wright Falling Water lamp

I made this FLW falling water inspired lamp as a Christmas present to my father, who is a historic preservation architect by trade. I have fond memories of going to Falling Water when I was a child, and lying about my age so I could go in (no kids allowed I guess, and I was only off by a year).
I took inspiration from the bedside lamps to create this oversized version. I wanted this lamp to be more of a centerpiece.
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Snare Drum table

I needed a side table between 2 chairs in my office/theater room. I decided to dig out an old snare drum from my days as a musician. I stripped it down, cleaned and polished it, then reassembled it adding LED strip lights and a dimmer to control the brightness. Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures of the process as it was fairly quick. But here is one of the LED's and a few of the finished product.
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Auto Gauge LED’s

While working on wood interior trim for my 1961 Triumph TR3 (That post coming soon), I decided to replace the dash lights with LED's, here are some pics of the speedometer LED installation. I will try to add more details later.
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